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【教卓B-2】9/11(一)國際事務處顧組長主持106-1學期國際新生輔導說明會 | ||||
日期: 2017-09-26 聯絡人: 國際事務處 蘇先生 聯絡電話: 8671-1111#68000 | ||||
本日上午於本校行政大樓會議室,由國際事務處舉辦106-1學期國際新生入學輔導說明會。此次會議由國際學生組顧組長主持。國際學生與會人數共計116位,其中國際交換生及訪問生計109名,學位生(含僑生)計7名。 本學期國際學生來自中港澳、日本、韓國、蒙古、泰國、馬來西亞、越南、印尼、菲律賓、尼加拉瓜、墨西哥、烏干達、法國、捷克、荷蘭、波蘭、奧地利等國家及地區,共計129名。 各行政單位於會中,對本校行政系統、性平政策宣導、選課系統、校園安全及平安保險、反毒政策、無菸校園、圖書館、生活環境及諮商中心等主題進行說明。除期許國際學生能夠更快融入本校生活外,希望透過交流與溝通,讓本校在發展國際化及新南向政策上更加落實。 Office of international affairs (OIA) held orientation for 2017 Fall semester international students at 1st conference room today. Director of international students, Dr. Ku, addressed to the students by welcoming them to join the big community of NTPU. 116 students participated today’s event. There’re 109 exchange/visiting students, and 7 degree-seeking students. NTPU is expecting 129 international students this semester. They are from China, HK, Macao, Japan, South Korea, Mongolia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippine, Nicaragua, Mexica, Uganda, France, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Poland, Austria, etc. The agendas of today’s orientation include NTPU’s administration system, gender equality policy, Add/Drop/Withdrawal procedure, campus safety, student insurance, anti-drug policy, No-smoking campus, library, campus environment and school counseling, etc. OIA hopes that we help international students fit in to the community by hosting this event. And by having the international students, school itself could cultivate its “internationalism” and implement the new southbound policy. |
•附件檔: 陸港澳生 現場學生 | ||||